Women’s Day: EU Commission, “more women in politics”. Better work-life balance

(Brussels) “Many of the remaining inequalities” in Europe “are linked to the place of women at work”, the European Commission said in a statement released on the eve of 8 March. “The EU’s new rules on Work-Life Balance will contribute to getting more women at work by giving families a real choice on how to organise their professional and private life. It will open up opportunities for working women and men to share caring responsibilities, for children and relatives, on an equal basis. This will increase opportunities for women to find jobs that reflect their level of education and ambition”. The statement continues: “Women remain underrepresented in politics. In the upcoming European elections, we would like to see more women across the EU not only voting, but standing and succeeding as candidates. The Commission also calls for more women to be represented in the highest level of all EU institutions, including as Commissioners. This Commission has been leading by example: today we have 9 female Commissioners and women account for almost 40% of our managers”.
“Gender equality – the Commission says – is also at the core of our continuous engagement with partner countries worldwide. The EU is striving to accelerate the efforts towards gender equality in the different fields of its external action, as part of the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. All around the world, we remain strongly committed to implement actions fighting all forms of violence against women and girls, including those affected by war, poverty or displacement, for example through our global Spotlight Initiative together with the United Nations”. “We are committed to giving all women and girls equal access to health services, education and economic empowerment, and the opportunities to shape their own future. We will never stop fighting for true equality for all inside and outside the European Union to make sure that the progress achieved is not undone”.

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