European elections: Brussels, Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), “nationalism offers no solution to the problems facing us today”

(Brussels) “Nationalism offers no solution to the problems facing us today”, but “together the EU and Member States have the power to ensure we all get a fair share of the wealth we help to create”. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) wrote this in its programme for the next European elections, calling for a “new social contract” to be achieved through “real involvement in political decisions as well as democratic participation in society and at the workplace”. The ETUC calls “for EU action to defend democracy and democratic principles, trade union rights and women’s rights, uphold the rule of law” and to “apply zero-tolerance for hate speech”. For the ETUC, social rights should take precedence over economic freedoms, and measures need to be taken to “redistribute wealth” and “upward wage convergence” for workers. The ETUC also calls for measures to “reinforce the capacity and strength of social partners, to enable collective agreements to be negotiated and put into practice, and to enlarge their coverage among workers”; to enforce the “European Pillar of Social Rights”; to “anticipate” change in the labour market; and to “work together for the integration and inclusion of migrants, for the benefit of all”. The UN Sustainable Development Goals should “shape all EU policies”, both at the domestic and international levels.

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