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Pope Francis: audience, “Jesus does not proselytise”, He “proclaims that the Father loves us”. Say no to the “hypocrites”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“Jesus does not proselytise: He simply proclaims”. Pope Francis made these off-the-cuff remarks in the catechesis of today’s general audience, dedicated to the second petition of the Our Father: “Your kingdom come!”. “These words are not a threat; to the contrary, they are good news, a message of joy”, Pope Francis explained. “Jesus does not want to force people to convert by sowing the fear of God’s impending judgement or a feeling of guilt for the evil we have committed”. On the contrary, “what He brings is the Good News of salvation, as a starting point for conversion”. “Everyone is invited to believe in the Gospel”, the Pope exhorted: “The lordship of God has drawn near to his children. This is the Gospel: the lordship of God has drawn near to his children”. “Jesus announces this wonderful thing, this grace”, Pope Francis continued off the cuff: “God, the Father, loves us, He is close to us and teaches us to walk the path of holiness”. “The signs of the coming of this Kingdom are many, and all positive”, the Pope remarked, recalling that “Jesus began His ministry by taking care of the sick, both in their body and spirit, of those who lived a life of social exclusion – such as lepers -, of sinners who were despised by all”. “Even by those who were worse sinners than them, but pretended to be righteous”, he added off the cuff: “And what did Jesus call these people? Hypocrites”. Jesus Himself indicates these signs: “The blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the Gospel is proclaimed to the poor”.

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