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Economy: Mr. Pofferi (Confcooperative), “our pro-European message to counter disaffection with politics and Europe”

“Cooperation is the most important part of the social economy and is a fast-growing industry with significant numbers in Europe, which is why it cannot be neglected. We have tried to stress the need for rebalancing, considering the great attention that the EU has paid to finance at the expense of the social economy”. In an interview with SIR news agency, Leonardo Pofferi, head of the Brussels office of Confcooperative, explains the aim and relevance of this presence at the European institutions. “With the ‘Social Rights Pillar’ – he added -, the Commission has finally become more aware of this area which is connected to the social economy. So we look to the future with optimism, recognising that Parliament has supported us a great deal on this path”. “The presence of Confcooperative in Brussels dates back to the 70s, when it became clear that the European decision-making level was central. The gradual shift of competencies and the various treaties signed could not but reinforce that trend”, he remarked.

Do you think the members of Confcooperative are going to vote in the European elections? “Our message is not only a pro-European message, but a message of sensitivity and awareness. The growing disaffection with politics and Europe has now become a matter of concern. Italy has always been more pro-European than most of other EU countries, and we are concerned that the situation is now changing. Europe is far from perfect, but we can only improve it from within, with strength, dedication, and patience, by seeking compromise”.

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