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European elections: seat projections. EPP, S&D, Conservatives and Reformists gaining ground in Europe. Pro-European majority in Strasbourg

(Brussels) The latest seat projections for the next European Parliament elections on 23-26 May – released today in Brussels – show some changes at the European level. The European People’s Party (EPP) is now projected to win 188 seats, that is, seven more than in the previous projections in February. Even the S&D has increased its seats by seven (up to 142). The third largest group is the Liberals (ALDE), which nonetheless has lost 3 MEPs (down to 72) compared to February. The Conservatives and Reformists group is catching up with an additional 7 seats (53 in total). The projections based on the latest opinion polls also show that the Greens has increased its seats by 2 (up to 51 seats), like the Eurosceptic ENF group (including the League), now projected to win 61 seats, and the GUE (United Left) up to 49. The other Eurosceptic group EFDD (including Five Star MEPs) is predicted to lose 9 seats, down to 30 from 39. The NI group would win 7 seats, down by one, while the “Others” group (including parties that have not yet chosen which EP group to join) is projected to win 52 seats, down 14 from the previous projections. The Parliament said about the latest projections that “none of the voting intention polls used have been commissioned or conducted by the European Parliament”, since these “are always publicly available polls, published by identified and reliable polling institutes in each Member State”.

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