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EU Parliament: Fr. Ciotti and LIBERA in Brussels on 3 April. “New agenda against organized crime and corruption in Europe”

(Brussels) “Our chance for a new political agenda against organized crime and corruption in Europe” – this is the title of the event organised by “LIBERA” Association at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels on 3 April. Fr. Luigi Ciotti, founder and president of LIBERA, will present the new “European Political Agenda”, promoted in synergy with CHANCE, the Civil Hub Against orgaNised Crime in Europe. The project “LIBERA Ideas in Europe” will also be presented, which intends to “offer a current and shared re-reading of the perception of the criminal and corrupt phenomenon also abroad”.  Key speakers at the event will include David Sassoli, Vice President of the European Parliament, and MEP Ana Gomes, a member of the intergroup on Integrity, Transparency, Corruption and Organised crime, who will contribute to the debate on the “role of civil society in the fight against the organised crime and corrupt systems at a transnational level” and on the “contribution that an active and vigilant citizenship can give in coordination with the institutional bodies”.




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