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Pope Francis: audience, “God is looking for you, for me, for everyone”. “How much love there is behind this!”

(Foto Vatican Media/SIR)

“God is looking for you, is looking for me, is looking for everyone. God is great, how much love there is behind this!”. Pope Francis made these off-the-cuff remarks in his continuing catechesis on the Lord’s Prayer today, devoted to the third invocation – “Thy will be done” -, which “should be read in conjunction with the first two invocations – hallowed be thy name and thy kingdom come – so that together they form a triptych”. “Man’s care for the world is preceded by God’s tireless care for man and for the world”, Pope Francis explained, noting that “the whole Gospel reflects this inversion of perspective”. “Zacchaeus the sinner climbs up a tree because he wants to see Jesus, but he does not know that God had started looking for him much earlier”, the Pope said: “When Jesus arrives, he tells him: ‘Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house’. And he finally says: ‘The Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost’”. “This is God’s will incarnated in Jesus: to seek and save what is lost”, Pope Francis explained: “And we, in prayer, ask that God’s search is successful, that His universal plan of salvation is fulfilled”. This means, the Pope added off the cuff, that God “seeks me: God is looking for you, is looking for me, is looking for everyone. God is great, how much love there is behind this!”.

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