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European elections: Union of European Federalists’ Manifesto, “I choose Europe”

As part of its campaign ahead of next May’s European Elections, the Union of European Federalists has launched a Manifesto for the European Elections (“For a Federal Europe: Sovereign, Democratic, Social”), a pledge for candidates to the European Parliament, and a pledge for citizens to express their support to federalist proposals. Entitled “I Choose Europe”, the Manifesto provides six concrete pathways to “relaunch Europe”: strengthening the Eurozone by completing the Banking Union; a coherent approach to European migration and asylum; a “strong” and “resilient” foreign and security policy; an independent European budget; climate action with the creation of a European Bank for Climate; and moving towards a federal Europe. “We want citizens to say strongly ‘I choose Europe’ and go and vote” in the European elections “against the project of nationalists and populists to dismantle our Europe, but also against a European status quo that is not sustainable any longer”, said Sandro Gozi, President of the Union. “We call on citizens to vote for candidates who clearly express their support for a bold European relaunch and reforms towards a federal Europe”. The material for the campaign is available in several languages at



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