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Brexit: Churches in Great Britain, calling all of the country’s communities to pray. Event to be held in Central London on Saturday 30th March

The Churches of Great Britain call “all communities to pray as we get nearer to the date on which the United Kingdom is expected to leave the European Union”. In particular, as announced in a press release, the presidents of the English ecumenical platform Churches Together in England, along with the broader British organisation Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, urge to “find ways to pray” from 27th to 31st March and “make churches stay open for the communities that look for a place in which to pray for our nations”. In the last few months, there have been several “invitations to prayer from individual Churches”, the release says, evidence of “the increasing uneasiness of the time in which Brexit is getting nearer”. The six presidents of the English Churches, i.e. Vincent Nichols, cardinal of Westminster, Justin Welby, archbishop of Canterbury, Hugh Osgood, Moderator of the Free Churches Group, Billy Kennedy, president of the Quakers, Angaelos, archbishop of the Orthodox Church, and Agu Irukwu, president of the Pentecostal Churches, “will meet to pray in Central London on Saturday 30th March at 10.30 am”. They also call the Churches of the other countries to join “in similar expression of praying care for the future of the peoples and nations in the British islands and in Ireland”.


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