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Brexit: May meets EU executives in Strasbourg. Juncker: “Let’s bring the agreement to a positive end; we owe it to history”

Strasburgo, 11 marzo: la premier britannica Theresa May nella sede del Parlamento europeo incontra Jean-Claude Juncker, presidente della Commissione Ue (foto SIR/Marco Calvarese)

(Strasbourg) “Today we have ensured the legal changes” that the Westminster members had asked for, the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, said, speaking to the press late in the evening, yesterday, after over two hours of talks in the Strasbourg premises of the European Parliament. “Now’s the time to get together and support this improved Brexit agreement and deliver results based on the instructions of the British people”. The way out that came to the fore last night was prepared in the last few weeks, “without sparing time, energy or efforts”, Jean-Claude Juncker had explained, to make sure “the ratification agreement could be entered into in time”, something Juncker is sure of. They seem to be texts that “clarify, reassure and explain what the withdrawal agreement is and what it is not”. So would do the joint agreement, which “provides remarkable explanations and legal guarantees about the nature of the backstop”, which is an “insurance policy, no more, no less”, designed “to not be used and, if it is ever used, it will not be a trap, but there’ll be legal ways to get out of it”. The new documents “complete the agreement without reopening it”. Juncker also announced that the Irish Prime Minister is “willing to support this approach” and asked the president of the European Council to “support this joint instrument”, on condition the House of Common approves the agreement. “There will be no other interpretation of the interpretations, no other reassurance of the reassurance”, Juncker concluded: “Let’s bring this agreement to a positive end; we owe it to history”.

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