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European elections: Conference of Churches, “Europe It’s OUR future”

“Europe It’s OUR future” – this is the title of the publication released today by the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) in the run-up to the May elections. The upcoming elections are of crucial importance because “through a direct vote, citizens of the European Union will elect Members of Parliament, who will shape life in the European Union for their five-year term and beyond”, a statement from CEC released with the publication reads. The document addresses some “concerns for Europe’s future”: the EU as an area of shared values, the future of the EU, migration and refugees, climate change and sustainable development, the European social model and future of work, human rights, and the creation of a more equal and inclusive Europe. There is also a section with suggestions on “what you can do”. As part of this initiative aimed at engaging the European Churches in the election process, CEC and CCME have also produced some videos ( with testimonies, featuring for instance CEC president Christian Krieger, in order to express their aspirations and encourage the Churches and believers to get actively involved.


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