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Venezuela: Maduro’s militia blocking arrival of aid. Mgr. Moronta (San Cristobal), “distribution coordinated by Caritas”

Using trucks and containers, the military forces loyal to Nicolás Maduro continue to prevent the entry of international humanitarian aid from Colombia. In recent days, the Colombian border town of Cucuta has been identified as the best location for conveying international humanitarian aid coming from the US and the European Union. The aid should transit through the new international Tienditas bridge, which was completed years ago, but never opened. “Since Tuesday – sources informed SIR Agency – the army has been trying to blockade the bridge to prevent the entry of aid”. A call to facilitate humanitarian aid, in the hope that it can reach destination, comes from the Bishop of San Cristóbal (capital of the border state of Táchira), Mgr. Mario Moronta. The prelate, who is currently in Ecuador for a spiritual exercises course, sent an audio message to the priests and the whole diocese, relayed to SIR Agency: “First of all, I wish to tell you not to pay heed to rumours and fake news circulating about humanitarian aid. Secondly, I would like to tell you that this humanitarian aid, upon reaching destination, will be coordinated by Caritas Venezuela and diocesan Caritas offices, so as to prevent opportunistic people from taking advantage of the situation and creating confusion”. Mgr. Moronta, therefore, urged everyone to follow the indications given by the dioceses and Caritas offices “who are coordinating this operation”, without spreading “uncertain news, received by chat”.

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