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EU Parliament: Brexit and copyright on agenda. Congress on death penalty and second projections of voting results

(Brussels) The highlight of this week at the European Parliament will be the release, on Friday 1 March, of the second seat projections of the results of the May 23-26 elections, with the distribution of seats of the parties represented in the European Parliament. On 26 February, the Employment and Social Affairs Committee will vote on a series of contingency measures for EU and UK citizens in case of a no-deal Brexit. On the same day, the Legal Affairs Committee will vote on an informal deal reached between the European Parliament and Council negotiators to “ensure – a statement reads – that the rights and obligations of copyright law also apply to the Internet”. Also on Tuesday, there will be a public hearing of the candidates for the office of European Chief Prosecutor. For four days starting on 27 February, a Foreign Affairs Committee delegation will be meeting the political leadership in Belgrade and Pristina as well as national MPs, and opposition and civil society representatives to “assess the political situation and take stock of Serbia’s and Kosovo’s current relations with the EU”. On 27 February, the EP will host the opening of the 7th World Congress Against the Death Penalty. Finally this week, EP President Antonio Tajani will make an official visit to the US.




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