EU: European Day for Victims of Crime. Jourová (Commission) remembers Slovak journalist Ján Kuciak

(Brussels) “Today my thoughts go out to all those children, women and men who one day fell victim to crime. And on this day I once again pay my respect to Ján Kuciak”, the Slovak journalist who was murdered with his fiancée one year ago. “We have to protect journalists from any form of intimidation and attacks”. Vera Jourová said this to mark the European Day for Victims of Crime. “Being a victim of crime is something that can happen to all of us. However, not all victims report that they have suffered from a crime: for 25 million criminal offences reported in the EU, we estimate that another 75 million go unreported. We have to put an end to this. Victims often do not go to the police, as they are afraid of the offender”. In the EU today, all victims of crime benefit “from a set of clear rights, independently of where in the European Union the crime takes place. In particular, the Victims’ Rights Directive, which came into force in November 2015, provides the rights to be recognised and treated in a respectful, professional and non-discriminatory manner”. But three years after the deadline for transposition, “some Member States – Commissioner Jourová said – still have not fully transposed this EU rule. The Commission has made the implementation of the Directive a priority and is determined to ensure that it works well in practice”.

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