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Vatican abuse meeting: Card. Nichols (Westminster), “these will be difficult and painful days and I need your prayers”

“I write to ask for your prayers and those of your people, for the positive outcome of this meeting and for all survivors of such abuse who will find these days particularly difficult as so much public attention is given to this reality”. Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster wrote a letter to priests, published on the website of the Archdiocese, on the eve of the meeting on the protection of minors at the Vatican. “Responsibility, accountability, transparency”, the cardinal explained, focusing on the issues that will be tackled during the meeting, “these are the virtues, the qualities of our life together, that need to be renewed and strengthened”. The cardinal also suggested “an excellent website” providing information about the meeting ( and asked that on Saturday evening, coinciding with the Penitential Liturgy that will be celebrated in Rome, a “prayer or a comment” be added at Mass, “uniting your parish to Pope Francis and all taking part in that liturgy so that together we ask the Lord’s pardon for our failings”. Similarly, the cardinal asked that on Sunday morning, coinciding with the Mass in which we will seek “the Lord’s blessings on the work accomplished and for the challenges ahead”, parish Liturgies join in “this intention”. “At a very personal level”, the cardinal concluded, “please do keep me in your own prayers. These will be difficult and painful days and I need your prayers”.

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