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European elections: 100 days to the vote. Duch, the most important and followed elections in EU history

(Strasbourg) The most important and followed elections of a European Parliament since 1979, when the Assembly was elected by universal suffrage for the first time; one of the greatest exercises of participatory democracy in the world, with 373 million people called to the polls, including 23 million first-time voters. Jaume Duch, Director General for Communication at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, said this to present the institutional information campaign in the run-up to the 23-26 May elections (100 days from today) for the renewal of the EU’s Assembly. This is the 9th direct election, and the 8th term will end with the last plenary session in Strasbourg, on 18 April. 200 political and legislative dossiers are still open, including the UK’s withdrawal, with Brexit scheduled for 29 March. Brexit is actually an unpredictable factor in the elections: if London leaves the EU on its scheduled exit day, everything will be much easier, but if Brexit is postponed, even British citizens may be called upon to elect their MEPs. “It is a possibility we have taken into consideration, but it does not change our plans. We prepare – Duch said – for the elections in the 27 member states” that will be part of the Union on 30 March. Duch remarked: “These are unprecedented elections. In 2014, there was no talk of Brexit, Trump was not the US president, and Russia and Turkey had different positions” in the international political arena. Fake news was not a major concern as it is today, and the focus of the media and social media on the EU – he said – “was not that strong”.



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