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Germany: diocese of Munich-Freising gives 50 thousand euros to the NGO Sea-Eye. The ship “Albrecht Penck” on a new mission in the Mediterranean Sea from 11th February

“We are infinitely grateful! The generous donation of the archdiocese of Munich-Freising clearly shows us the attitude and response of the Catholic Church to one of the most important yet inhuman issues of our days: should people be let drown for political reasons, and thus deter others from leaving? May many people follow this generous example”, Gorden Isler, spokesperson for Sea-Eye, stated in a release announcing the news that the archdiocese of Munich, led by card. Reinhard Marx, gave 50 thousand euros to the NGO that in the last few weeks has been at the centre of an “odyssey”, with the ship “Professor Albrecht Penck”: with 17 people on board, it has been at sea two weeks longer than expected, with financial damages preventing a second mission from starting. Hence the request for financial support, which the archdiocese promptly responded to. Donations also arrived from the Evangelical Church and the Mennonites (Anabaptists). The NGO said that now it can think of re-rigging the ship that is due to leave on a new mission in the Mediterranean Sea on 11th February.




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