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EU elections: upcoming launch of “EuropeForUs”, a project by SIR, Avvenire, TV2000 to “tell Europe”

To “inform on Europe” in the run-up to the European Parliament elections that will be held from 23 to 26 May in the 27 EU Member States (Sunday, 26 May, in Italy). “This new big challenge is starting today. We are at a crucial time for the future of the Union and, more generally, for democracy in Europe”, said the Director of SIR Agency, Vincenzo Corrado. For this reason, the Agency supported by the Italian Bishops’ Conference, in partnership with the daily newspaper “Avvenire” and with TV2000, participated in a call for proposals from the European Parliament: the project “EuropeForUs” (<>) was selected and received support from the EU institution, and from today, 1 February, until 31July, “we will work even harder and better – Corrado said – to promote effective information on European issues”. Indeed, EuropeForUs provides “a new perspective on European politics to take citizens to the May 2019 elections”. The project is mainly aimed at “European citizens, with their stories, experiences and testimonies about their perceptions of the EU, the difference it has made in their daily lives, and the various expectations they have with regard to the policies” made in Brussels and Strasbourg. “The focus – Corrado added – will also be on EU institutions, particularly the European Parliament, which is the voice of citizens”. According to the director, “at a time when the European project is challenged, and sometimes shows weaknesses and the need for reform, we need clear, objective information on the EU, also to be able to counter the spread of fake news”.
Our readers will find a dedicated online platform<> (website and social media) with daily news and several sections: FocusEuropa (reports on the EU and the European Parliament from its two headquarters in Brussels and Strasbourg); the weekly agenda of the work of EU institutions; EuropaInPresaDiretta (live streaming). And also: GiovanEuropa (experiences and stories of young people participating in EU projects); DallaNostraParte (the EU at the service of citizens); EuropaOggi (editorials on political issues concerning European integration, including analyses of nationalist and populist movements; and of course, an extensive coverage of the election campaign in Italy and in other Member States, with news reports from abroad); StopFakeNews (a dedicated section to debunk fake news and highlight incorrect news about the EU); VociEuropa (interviews with the protagonists of society, culture, churches and European politics); and PerSaperneDiPiù (animations to explain the EU politics).

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