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EU Parliament: Von der Leyen Commission presents Green Deal. Meeting today on Conference on Future of Europe

(Brussels) The European Parliament will be holding an extraordinary plenary session from 14:00 to 16:00 on Wednesday. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans will present the “European Green Deal” and the timeline of related legislative proposals, and will also hear the first reactions from MEPs. The plan, according to a statement from the EP, “should enable Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050”. Today the Constitutional Affairs Committee will finalise its input for EP leaders (Conference of Presidents) on how to structure the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe. The Conference, organised by Parliament, Council and Commission, is to start in 2020 and run for two years. “It is intended to involve a cross-section of society and give citizens the chance to contribute to the reform of the EU”. Also this week, political groups will prepare the last plenary session in 2019 that will take place from 16 to 19 December in Strasbourg.

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