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EU Parliament: Charlemagne Youth Prize, applications open. Projects on “European understanding, identity, integration”

Young people aged 16 to 30, who are working on projects that “promote European and international understanding, foster the development of a shared sense of European identity and integration, serve as a role model for young people living in Europe, and offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community”, can now apply for the Charlemagne Youth Prize, awarded every year by the European Parliament and the International Charlemagne Prize Foundation of Aachen. The three winning projects, chosen from 28 projects, one for each EU country, will receive €7,500, €5,000 and €2,500 respectively. The laureates of the 2019 edition were “Europhonica”, a network of university radio stations; the Finnish project “Your European Citizenship”; and the Austrian organization “Muslims against Anti-Semitism”. The deadline for submitting applications is 31 January 2020. The national winners will be announced on 20 March and the solemn award ceremony in Aachen will take place in May. A representative from each of the 28 national winners will be invited to participate in several events, including the Youth Prize Award Ceremony, and the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen, which was awarded to Antonio Guterres in 2019.

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