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Pope Francis: Requiem Mass for Cardinals and Bishops, “serving the needy is antechamber to paradise”. “It is not do-goodism”

(Foto Vatican Media/SIR)

“Showing compassion to others opens the doors of eternal life”. This is according to Pope Francis, who in the homily for the Requiem Mass, celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica for the Cardinals and Bishops who died in the past year, stated that “bending down towards the needy to serve them is an antechamber to paradise”. If indeed, as Saint Paul reminds us, “charity will never end” – Pope Francis continued – “then it is the bridge that connects earth to Heaven”. “And we can ask ourselves if we are moving forward on this bridge”, the Pontiff remarked. “Am I touched by the situation of someone in need? Can I weep for those who suffer? Do I pray for those whom no one thinks about? Do I help those who cannot return the favour?”. “This is not do-goodism, this is no ordinary charity; these are questions of life, questions of resurrection”, the Holy Father pointed out.

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