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United Kingdom: Bishops on election, “every Catholic should vote”

“Conscious of the common good of every person and our society as a whole”, “we ask” every Catholic “to engage with the election and vote” for “this General Election is profoundly important to the United Kingdom”. Thus begins the message of the Bishops of England and Wales to the faithful, released at the end of their plenary assembly at the Hinsley Hall Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Leeds yesterday. In the run-up to 12 December, when almost 49 million UK citizens are going to the polls, the Bishops write: “The question of the United Kingdom’s place in Europe continues to dominate political discourse. In whatever way our future relationship with our closest neighbours develops, Britain must be committed to a positive engagement as a key international partner in promoting peace, security and responsible stewardship of the planet”. The message ends with a reminder to Catholics who, before the vote, should consider carefully how the candidates will defend the dignity of every human life from the womb, the care for the terminally ill, and the needs of those who are marginalised by society such as people with disabilities, the elderly, the homeless, prisoners and victims of human trafficking, migrants and political refugees. Also of particular importance are marriage, the right of parents to educate their children in accordance with their faith, and support for Catholic schools.

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