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Poland: Bishops’ plenary, John Paul II “co-patron of Europe”. Work of Foundation for abuse victims assessed

The Polish Bishops, who held their plenary meeting in Jasna Gora yesterday, put forward the proposal to proclaim John Paul II co-patron of Europe and Doctor of the Church, the Bishops’ spokesman, Fr. Rytel-Andrianik Pawebthe, confirmed in an interview with SIR news agency. The priest explained that Karol Wojtyla’s pontificate occurred “at a time of great change in our continent” and that his Magisterium “covered very topical issues such as the dignity of man and his work, the wise use of freedom, the accompaniment of young people in the discernment of their vocation, the value of prayer and suffering, and the family”. During their meeting, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Polish Pope (18 May 2020), the Bishops also discussed the upcoming celebrations for the beatification of Card. Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw on 7 June. “It seems particularly relevant to underline the importance of the figure of Cardinal Wyszyński at a time when we need the example of highly regarded people, especially now that the Church has to face the hard challenges of modernity”, said the Bishops’ secretary, Mgr. Artur Miziński. The prelates also assessed the work of the Foundation for the victims of sexual abuse, which, Mgr. Miziński reported, “can be seen as an important step by the Church in Poland to support child abuse victims”. After the plenary, the Bishops began their spiritual exercises that will end on Thursday, 21 November.

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