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EU Parliament: Brussels, conference to mark 30 years since UN Convention on children’s rights

(Brussels) The European Parliament intends to mark the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child with an international conference on Wednesday, 20 November (14.30 to 18.30), in the hemicycle in Brussels. The conference will “consider progress made over the past three decades and reflect on the challenges that children and youth face in the modern world”, a statement reads. Opening the event will be the Queen of Belgium and the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli. Delegates “will discuss children’s right to live and thrive and their right to dream”. At the end of the event, the exhibition “Human Rights, still some way to go?” will be unveiled. It will be presented by the network Cartooning for Peace and by the Vice-President Fabio Castaldo. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child “strives to ensure better implementation of children’s rights worldwide. It has inspired the EU and its Member States – a statement explains – to change laws, policies and practices aimed at protecting and promoting children’s rights, irrespective of their nationality or residence status”. The UN Convention is at present the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history.

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