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Fall of Berlin Wall: Sassoli (EU Parliament), “if the Europe we are living in today is a better Europe, it is thanks to the European Union”

(Brussels) “At that time, I was one of those young people. And I remember the incredible happiness, the hugging, the tears, the incredible the gaze of the VoPo, who could see their world crumbling at the same speed as the Wall was coming down under the blows of the picks”. The President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli (pictured with German Bundestag president Wolfgang Schäuble), commemorated the fall of the Berlin Wall with the MEPs in Brussels, with some personal memories. “I also remember that we were all aware of the fact that we were living an incredible moment in history. Finally, a dark page was being turned and we were moving from oppression, death, deprivation of freedom, to a time of optimism and hope for the future. “Today, 30 years after the fall of the wall, we can say that enthusiasm and hope have not been betrayed. If the Europe we are living in today is a better place, it is thanks to the European Union and its achievements. Let me say it clearly: European democracy, the values and the principles on which it is based are unfortunately not irreversible. Which is why our commitment and determination are necessary to defend them. This is a battle we must fight every day. Unceasingly”.

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