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Russia: Moscow, launching the Catholic Youth Centre. Pimenova, “acknowledging the dreams and challenges of the real world we live in”

The Diocesan Youth Centre will open in Moscow on 19th October. “The idea was born of the post-synod process inspired by Pope Francis’s call to renew the pastoral youth service in a spirit of openness, self-management, creativity and service”, Oksana Pimenova (in the picture), who attended the 2018 Youth Synod with archbishop Paolo Pezzi and who will coordinate the Centre, explains to SIR. “Its purpose is to call young people to keep acknowledging the dreams and challenges of the real world we live in, as well as assisting them in looking for a place in life, in serving the Church and society”. It will have three main priorities, Oksana goes on explaining: creating a place where young people can meet and come into contact with other youth groups; developing and supporting ideas about how young people can serve the ecclesial and lay communities they live in; providing information in support of activities for young people. How this will materialise, it will be found out through a “shared walk of discernment”, which will start precisely on 19th October: all of the young people of the diocese are called to take part in a joint debate about the centre’s programme for next year. “I know that having no details may sound a bit frustrating, but we are only trying to lay the grounds and then trust the Spirit that will take us where it wants”.

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