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Climate: Greta Thunberg turns down a 46,000-euro award because “the climate does not need awards. We need for our politicians to start to listen to science”

Greta Thunberg turned down a 500,000-kronor award (about 46,000 euros), because “the climate does not need awards. We need for our politicians and people in power to start to listen to science”. The Nordic Council – an inter-parliamentary cooperation forum of the Nordic countries that has been convened in Stockholm over these days – had decided to give the environmental award to the Fridays For Future movement and to the young Swedish activist, for “breathing new life into the debate surrounding the environment and climate at a critical moment in world history” and for “having inspired millions of people all over the world to demand action from our politicians”. Greta, who is currently in California, thanked for such “huge honour”, in a letter that was read last night at the awards ceremony, and turned down the offer. “Until you start to act in accordance with what the science says is needed to limit the global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees or even 2 degrees Celsius, I, and Fridays For Future in Sweden, choose not to accept the award”, she explained. “We belong to the countries that have the possibility to do the most. And yet our countries still basically do nothing”.

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