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EU Parliament: Conference on Future of Europe, Working Group appointed to plan the event

(Strasbourg) In order to facilitate the preparations for the Conference on the Future of Europe, the Conference of Presidents of the Political Groups of the European Parliament, which met in Strasbourg today, appointed the following representatives of the EP political groups: Paulo Rangel (EPP); Gabriele Bischoff (Socialists and Democrats); Daniel Adjuvant (Greens); Zdzisław Krasnodebski (Conservatives); and Helmut Scholz (United Left). They will make up the Working Group in charge of organising the Conference itself. The Working Group has been given a mandate to draw up a proposal and an organizational framework for the Conference on the Future of Europe, and to report back to the Conference of Presidents by the end of the year. The Working Group will be chaired by David Sassoli.

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