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Poland: Festival of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church in Warsaw. “Young people and cyberspace” in the spotlight

“From theory to practice” is the title of the third Festival of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, mainly focussed on “Young people and cyberspace” and taking place in Warsaw today and tomorrow. The Festival, as explained by the organisers of the association “Civitas christiana” and the Foundation of the same name, aims at “promoting the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, especially among people who are proactively involved in the local civil service, in economic life, as well as those who work in social economy and education”. Last years’ Festivals “helped bring together the organisations that implement the principles of the social doctrine and made them share their best practices”, the promoters point out. The Planning Committee of the event includes mgr. Jozef Kupny, metropolitan archbishop of Wroclaw and president of the Social Council of the Bishops’ Conference, as well as the managers of “Civitas” association and Foundation. Another member is mgr. Adriano Vincenzi of Fondazione Giuseppe Toniolo of Verona, who has been organising the Festival of the Social Doctrine in Verona since 2010, a Festival that this year will take place from 21st to 24th November and will be focussed on “Being there: a social polyphony”.

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