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Ecuador: Pablo del Hierro, president of pastoral and training centre Leonidas Proaño, released after arrest

Pablo del Hierro, president of the pastoral and training centre Leonidas Proaño in Quito, Ecuador, is free again. Many ecclesial and social organisations had asked the authorities to release him. In the meantime, the forum convened by the Bishops’ Conference and by UN that should have been held yesterday afternoon (local time) has been postponed to today. Delegates from the government and local organisations – as stated in a short release by the Bishops’ Conference and by the UN – will discuss the new ruling, which will replace the one that has been repealed, no. 883, and that has led to nearly two weeks of harsh protests and bloody repressions in the South American country. One of the consequences is the price of the bus tickets in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, which has gone back to the earlier price of 25 cents.

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