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Ecumenism: Stuttgart, celebration marking 20th anniversary of Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

Twenty years after the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, a landmark document in the history of dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Reformed Churches, an ecumenical service will be held in Stuttgart on 31 October attended by the five denominations who signed the Declaration in 1999 or have joined since then. The celebration in Germany will follow a programme that will be the basis for celebrations around the world. The Lutheran Church will be represented by Frank Otfried July, Bishop of Württemberg, and by Astrid Kleist, Pastor of Hamburg; the Catholic Church will be represented by the president of the Ecumenical Commission of the German Bishops’ Conference, Mgr. Gerhard Feige (Magdeburg); Bishop Harald Rückert will represent the United Methodist Church; Hans-Georg Ulrichs the Reformed Alliance; and Christopher Jage-Bowler the Council of Anglican and Episcopal Churches in Germany. Bishops July and Feige will deliver the sermons. Singing at the service will be the ecumenical choirs of the schools of sacred music in Rottenburg and Tübingen and the Stuttgart Hymnus Boys’ Choir. A reception will follow at Stuttgart Castle.

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