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Message Social Communications: mgr. Martin (Ireland), “help to promote the constructive use of digital media in our society”

“This year’s message is particularly relevant in this era of social media and digital communications where we now live”. This was written by the Irish archbishop Eamon Martin, on the website of the Catholic Church of Ireland, as he shared Pope Francis’s message for the forthcoming World Communications Day (Sunday, 2nd June). The archbishop welcomes in particular Pope Francis’s decision to establish an International Observatory for Cyberbullying Prevention, based in the Vatican, and announces his intention “to engage with experts in this field in Ireland to help to promote the constructive use of digital media in our society”. “Our world is rich in communications resources – he adds – and our era is often described as the age of ‘democratic journalism’”. One can easily express oneself, and in addition “there is great potential in social media to communicate the truth of the Gospel on the ‘digital highways’.” But this should always be done “with compassion and love”. Mgr. Martin calls everyone “to ‘put away falsehood and speak the truth’, both on digital media and in our daily lives”. Another important thing that the Message mentions is young people and the risk they might become “‘social hermits’, who risk alienating themselves completely from society: “This dramatic situation reveals a serious rupture in the relational fabric of society, one we cannot ignore.”

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