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Cold-snap emergency: Mr Sassoli (vice president), “EP in Brussels should shelter the homeless overnight”

Bruxelles: la sede dell'Europarlamento. Nell'altra foto, la piazza antistante gli edifici Ue dove spesso trovano rifugio i senzatetto

(Brussels) “The European Parliament should open its doors to the homeless overnight because it is painful to see so many people seeking shelter from the cold outside the building that houses us in Brussels”. The vice-president of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, asked this in a letter to the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, today. “The poor cannot wait, and we cannot remain indifferent to these people in situations of real difficulty who sleep rough every night, trying to shelter themselves from the cold outside the Parliament”.
Mr Sassoli described a situation that is there for all to see. And he added: “You just need to take a walk outside to realise how many people need help and assistance. I think it would be an act of great humanity to open some rooms of the European Parliament overnight, without compromising its functioning and safety, to ensure these people have an appropriate shelter. It would also be a noble gesture of closeness with the city of Brussels, which is very engaged in solidarity initiatives – Mr Sassoli concluded – aimed at alleviating the suffering of and guaranteeing assistance to people in difficulty”.

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