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Poland: Ecumenical Council denounces “conflict and division in the country”. Improving relations to stop the escalation of hatred

“Above all, let your love for one another be intense” (1 Pt 4,8), the Christian Churches of the Polish Ecumenical Council recall, in the run-up to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. While asking people to reject violence, they point out that the murder of the Mayor of Dansk, Pawel Adamowicz, killed by a young man on Sunday 13th January, “is proof of the conflict and deep division that are in the country, in the Churches and in the communities, as well as within the families”. The Polish Ecumenical Council “univocally condemns any form of hostility, as well as the language of hatred used in the public debate”, and recalls that “hostility separates people from each other, helps cultivate prejudice, and – instead of building a strong, supportive society – it makes division go on”. To coincide with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the leaders of the Christian Churches of Poland ask that special prayers be included in the celebrations, “to improve mutual relationships and stop the escalation of hatred”. The members of the Polish Ecumenical Council are Protestant Churches, Early Catholic Churches and the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church. The Catholic Church is not a member. The solemn funerals service for Mayor Adamowicz will take place in Dansk on Saturday 19th January and will be attended by the President, Andrzej Duda, and by delegates of the public authorities and political parties.



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