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Ireland: thirty young people from Dublin to the World Youth Day. Live coverage on social media and visits to elderly people

The 30 young pilgrims from the archdiocese of Dublin who will leave for Panama on 18 January are ready. The group, a note from the archdiocese explains, includes “young people from Dublin’s parishes, university students and many young people from all over Ireland and from Europe who live in Dublin”. The Irish group will be living with the families of the parish of Santiago Apostle, in Panama. “Along with other young people from Latvia and New Zealand, they will take part in social justice programmes with local young people, will visit elderly people in their homes, and will help make and deliver food to families in need”. On Saturday 26 January, some of them will be involved in a debate, “Young people for the common home: the protection of Creation”, about the topics of the Laudato si’. During their days in Panama, a release from the archdiocese goes on, these young people “will use social media to share their experiences and to keep in touch with a parallel event taking place” in the Irish city, “Panama in Dublin”: a number of faith-related initiatives and live coverage of the Panama event (opening ceremony, vigil and closing Mass) will take place on Saturday and Sunday (26-27 January).


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