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Brexit: Welby (Anglican Primate), avoid “no deal”. It would “harm the poorest”

(London) “I pray for Prime Minister Theresa May and all other politicians every day. I believe that a no-deal Brexit would disproportionately impact the poorest and the most vulnerable. Anglican Primate Justin Welby said this in an interview with “Premier Christian Radio”, warning against the consequences of a no-deal scenario. According to the Primate, if the UK were to completely sever its ties with the EU and crash out of the single market without a trade deal, it would be “not only a political and practical failure, but a moral one”. The Archbishop of Canterbury made these remarks at the beginning of a crucial week in British politics, with MPs due to vote on Theresa May’s negotiated deal with the EU tomorrow evening. “The burden of proof is on those that are arguing for no deal, to show that it will not harm the poorest and most vulnerable”, Justin Welby told the Christian radio. During the 2016 referendum, the Archbishop voted to remain in the EU, and described the latter as “the greatest dream realised for human beings since the fall of the Western Roman Empire”. Over the last two years, he has insisted on the need for reconciliation and has called on representatives on both sides of the argument, pro and anti-Brexit, to moderate their language and seek solutions for the good of citizens.

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