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Portugal: Card. Marto (Leiria-Fatima) to young people, “living out the faith with consistency, joy and courage, without proselytising”

An intense two-hour meeting with about 300 young people. Last Sunday, Cardinal António Marto, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima (Portugal), had the first of his nine meetings with the new generations. “Young people are marvellous”, the cardinal said at the end of the dialogue that took place at the parish of Marrazes, Vicariate of Leiria. “I have not come here to preach, nor to teach theology, although I was a teacher; I am here to talk with you”, the cardinal told some 300 participants of different ages. “How can young people live out their faith today?” – this last question, asked by the bishop, was followed by an invitation to the youth to live out what they believe in “with consistency, joy and courage”, “without proselytising”. And he went on to say: “A young Christian rejects all forms of violence, is attentive to others, and ready to reach out; a young person shows the enthusiasm of his faith and let himself be conquered by it”, he said. Several youths asked what the Church was “willing to do to become more welcoming, joyful and attractive” to them. Card. Marto highlighted that the Church offers various opportunities to grow in the faith, thanks to its movements and associations, stressing that “young people need to meet in groups” and make powerful experiences of pilgrimage.

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