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Poland: Bishops’ messages for the beginning of the school term. National Education Week from 9 September

“One of the main challenges facing the Church today is youth pastoral care”, the President of the Polish Bishops, Mgr. Stanislaw Gadecki, recently said, calling on all priests to “see youth ministry as an integral part of the Church’s whole work of evangelization”. A few words to mark the new school year, which in Poland starts today, Monday, 3 September, were also spoken by Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz of Warsaw, who stressed the importance of catechesis in schools, noting that “in most classrooms, the percentage of students open to the teaching of religion is rather small”. For this reason, according to the prelate, “the individual approach seems to be the most suitable to an effective catechesis”. In his address to the 1,100 permanent teachers from the schools of the Polish capital, the prelate also expressed concern because “young people ask questions” to which catechists, “who are directly involved”, should “provide convincing answers”. “During the lessons, we will all have to pay the price for the weaknesses, and sometimes terrible sins, of some of our brothers and sisters”, the cardinal said, encouraging priests, men and women religious, and lay people working in a school environment not to underestimate the problem, but to address it “seriously” and “set the example”. On 9 September, the Polish Church will celebrate the beginning of Education Week. Organized at the national level for the eighth time, the Week is dedicated to supporting young people in discerning their own vocation.

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