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EU Commission: schools opening now, distribution of milk, fruit and vegetables to European students starting again

Bruxelles: il commissario Ue Phil Hogan

(Brussels) “It’s important to know where our food comes from and that producing it takes hard work. The EU’s school programmes enable children not only to learn more about farming and the production of food, but also to enjoy quality foods and benefit from their nutritional value”: EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan comments on the EU programme for the distribution of milk, fruit and vegetables to the students of many schools in the participating countries. Actually, as the academic year reopens, the programme aimed at “promoting healthy eating habits aming children”, including the distribution of fruit, vegetables and dairy products, as well as specific educational campaigns “to raise the students’ awareness of the importance of a good diet and explain them how food is made”, has been resumed. In the academic year 2017/2018, because of the increased number of participating schools, “the programme for a healthy diet has reached over 30 million children across the European Union”. Every academic year, 150 million euros are allocated to fruit and vegetables and 100 million euros to milk and other dairy products. The member states can also add their own funds to the EU’s programme.

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