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+++ Cei: Mgr. Stefano Russo is the new general secretary +++

Pope Francis appointed mgr. Stefano Russo, bishop of Fabriano-Matelica, general secretary of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI). “It’s an appointment we welcome with joy and confidence”, card. Gualtiero Bassetti, president of CEI, comments. “A few days ago, as a Permanent Episcopal Council, we expressed to mgr. Nunzio Galantino our gratitude for what he has zealously and smartly done in the year of his office. Now, the Holy Father’s decision is a source of lively gratitude: this appointment too is evidence of the closeness and care with which Pope Francis supports the walk of our Church”, the cardinal adds. “Our prayers and our fraternal wishes go to Mgr. Stefano Russo, who knows the General Secretariat very well for having been in charge of the National Office for Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage for about ten years”, card. Bassetti ends.

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