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Canonisation of Paul VI: presentation of the web documentary “Un uomo, un Papa, un santo” on 2nd October

The web documentary “Paolo VI: un uomo, un Papa, un santo” by Vatican News and Officina della Comunicazione will be presented at Filmoteca Vaticana on 2nd October at 11.00 am. It is a story made up of ‘nuggets’ of videos that acts as a sort of themed journey, in the run-up to the canonisation of Pope Montini, the highlight of which will be a live report on the celebrations, on 14th October. The project is a continuation of the one made for John XXIII’s peregrinatio, which was a great success on Vatican news and on social media. Guests will include: mgr. Dario Edoardo Viganò, assessor of the Dicastery for Communication; Marco Tarquinio, editor-in-chief of “Avvenire”; Massimiliano Menichetti, coordinator of Vatican News; Elisabetta Sola and Nicola Salvi, directors of Officina della Comunicazione.

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