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Pope Francis: message to Chinese Catholics, “clandestinity is not a normal part of the life of the Church”. Bishops readmitted should make “visible gestures” of unity

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“For the sake of supporting and promoting the preaching of the Gospel in China” and “reestablishing full and visible unity in the Church, it was essential, before all else, to deal with the issue of the appointment of bishops”, Pope Francis explained in his Message to Chinese Catholics and the universal Church, in which he focused on the content of the Provisional Agreement recently signed in Beijing. “Regrettably, as we know, the recent history of the Catholic Church in China has been marked by deep and painful tensions, hurts and divisions, centred especially on the figure of the bishop as the guardian of the authenticity of the faith and as guarantor of ecclesial communion”, the Pontiff noted: “When, in the past, it was presumed to determine the internal life of the Catholic communities, imposing direct control above and beyond the legitimate competence of the state, the phenomenon of clandestinity arose in the Church in China”. This experience – the Pope emphasized – “is not a normal part of the life of the Church and history shows that pastors and faithful have recourse to it only amid suffering, in the desire to maintain the integrity of their faith”. “From the time I was entrusted with the Petrine ministry, I have experienced great consolation in knowing the heartfelt desire of Chinese Catholics to live their faith in full communion with the universal Church and with the Successor of Peter”, Pope Francis revealed: “In these years, I have received numerous concrete signs and testimonies of that desire, including from bishops who have damaged communion in the Church as a result of weakness and errors, but also, and not infrequently, due to powerful and undue pressure from without”. “Consequently, after carefully examining every individual personal situation, and listening to different points of view, I have devoted much time to reflection and prayer, seeking the true good of the Church in China”, the Pope pointed out: “In the end, before the Lord and with serenity of judgment, in continuity with the direction set by my immediate predecessors, I have determined to grant reconciliation to the remaining seven ‘official’ bishops ordained without papal mandate and, having lifted every relevant canonical sanction, to readmit them to full ecclesial communion”. “At the same time – the Pope requested – I ask them to express with concrete and visible gestures their restored unity with the Apostolic See and with the Churches spread throughout the world, and to remain faithful despite any difficulties”.

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