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Bosnia-Herzegovina: “Justitia et Pax” commission, message for elections. “Don’t be deceived by empty promises or appearance”

Mons. Franjo Komarica

“Don’t be deceived by empty promises or the appearance of those political candidates you know well they did not show us moral or political probity in their activities, and they did not fulfil the promises made!”. That is one of the appeals written in the message by the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia-Herzegovina, on the occasion of the next general elections scheduled on 7 October. The document signed by bishop of Banja Luka Msgr. Franjo Komarica is an attempt to give an answer to the Catholics wondering “how to exercise their right of vote in a proper way”. Moreover, the message recalls the complicated political and social situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina: “chaos controlled after the Dayton Agreement, widespread corruption due to legislation not carried out by the current politicians”, “thousands of people leaving the country to survive”. And “the overwhelming impression that local politicians don’t care about common good, or about real improvement in the current social, political and juridical situation, but they take care of their own interest above all, and the monopolistic position of their parties”.

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