Austria: St. Pölten, on September 22nd the cathedral turns into “Children’s City”

“An afternoon full of fun and games”: to coincide with World Children’s Day, on September 22nd, for the fifth time the grounds of St. Pölten’s cathedral will turn into “Children’s City”. Lots of partners will be supporting the event, fist and foremost the cathedral’s provost’s office that provided the grounds. Lots of ecclesiastic institutions and associations will provide entertainers and ideas to organise pedagogically-sound, free family leisure activities. 30 different stations will be put up where children can try games, sports or arts and crafts workshops, from 01:30 pm to 05:30 pm. The organisers expect over one thousand young guests to arrive, as they did the previous years. Children will be able to put up a radio show, learn to ride, perform plays, do each other’s hairs, and will have a chance to try karate or challenge each other in a fierce football tournament. A key factor will be the proactive involvement of people from the Red Cross, the Fire Brigade and the Police, who will be there to tell children about safety, civil defence, protection from fire, and respect for the common heritage. In a release, the diocese confirmed that, since lots of immigrant families and asylum seekers from different backgrounds will be there, there will be many migrant children as well: the “Children’s City” initiative is also part of a scheme organised by St. Pölten’s municipality to raise children’s awareness of a multicultural society.

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