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United Kingdom: Ecumenical Forum “Churches Together in England”. “I am with you always”. Youth protagonists

From today until Wednesday 19 September, six Christian leaders and over two hundred delegates will be meeting at The Hayes Conference Centre in Derbyshire. They will attend the “2018 Forum” of “Churches Together in England”, the most important ecumenical body in England. This year’s theme is “I am with you always. Together in God’s mission”, which will be addressed by Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Catholic Primate of England and Wales; Anglican Primate Justin Welby; and Orthodox Archbishop Angaelos. Also participating in the meeting, which takes place every three years, will be the Pentecostal President Pastor Agu Irukwu; Reverend Billy Kennedy, representing the Quakers, the Lutheran Churches and the new Churches; and Free Churches Moderator Reverend Hugh Osgood. For the first time, young people will play a key role at the Forum; they will put questions to the presidents and lead participants in prayer. “It is difficult to describe how exciting it is to be with representatives from at least 45 different Christian churches and traditions”, said Ruth Gee, the new National Ecumenical Officer for the Methodist Church, who is one of the moderators of the Forum. Working with other Christians “isn’t always easy because” this “often changes me but it is change that brings me closer to God”. The Forum will also be an occasion to bid farewell to retiring Secretary General, David Cornick, and to welcome his successor, Paul Goodliff.

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