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Ccee: don Martin Michalíček is the new general secretary of the Council of EU Bishops Conferences

(From Poznań) – Don Martin Michalíček is the new general secretary of the Council of EU Bishops Conferences (Ccee). He will stay in office five years (starting now) and was appointed late in the morning by the presidents of the EU Bishops Conferences, gathered in Poznań (13th to 16th) for their yearly Plenary Meeting. Don Martin Michalíček will thus replace mgr. Duarte da Cunha who has reached the end of his second five-year tenure. Card. Angelo Bagnasco, archbishop of Genoa and president of Ccee, along with the deputy presidents, card. Vincent Nichols, archbishop of Westminster, and mgr. Stanisław Gądecki, archbishop of Poznań, and with the presidents of the Bishops Conferences, thanked mgr. da Cunha for his dedication at the helm of the Secretariat of Ccee and don Martin Michalíček for his readiness to serve the Church in Europe. Don Michalíček (born on August 18th 1974) was ordained in the diocese of Nitra (Slovakian Republic) in 1999. He completed his studies in philosophy and theology in Nitra, at Comenius University, in 1999, and from 1993 to 1995 he also attended Salzburg University. In 2005, he graduated in Catechesis from Pontificia Università Salesiana in Rome, then he got a postgraduate degree from Comenius University in Bratislava (2008). From 2007 to 2017, he was a lecturer at the Grand Seminary in Nitra (Slovakian Republic); from 2008 to 2017, he was Director of the Catechistic Office of the diocese of Nitra (Slovakian Republic), and from 2015 to 2017 he was Moderator of the Episcopal Curia of Nitra (Slovakian Republic). He speaks German, Italian, English and Slovakian (his native language). Before mgr. Da Cunha, the general secretary of Ccee was mgr. Aldo Giordano (from 1995 to 2008), who is now an apostolic nuncio to Venezuela.


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