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France: mgr. Delannoy (Bishops), “being at the edges is at the heart of our faith”

Disabled children, convicts’ children, children whose parents are separating, “tutoring”, summer camps, home day care for children in fragile social contexts, sports, schemes for single parents or families living in rural areas: there are many different experiences that the French Catholic Church has already in place all over the country, driven by its great care for the younger ones. Now, a sort of reportage tells about them as instances, in the third “Church at the edges” report, about “Church and children”. Presented in Paris today by mgr. Pascal Delannoy, bishop of Saint Denis and deputy president of the French Bishops Conference, the survey means “to see how ecclesial players work at the edges” to take care of and support children aged 3 to 11, above all those “suffering from emotional or social problems”. “Our being at the edges is at the heart of our faith”, mgr. Pascal Delannoy said at the press conference. We must “move into the edges” to “find the initiatives that are poorly-known or unknown, as they are discreet and unique”. While somehow the current initiatives “drive us to go even further”, because “there’s a lot still to be done”, what comes out is however that “children are not forgotten by the Church: they are taken care of, listened to, supported, so that they may become agents of peace and fraternity”.

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