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Pope Francis: audience, say no to “interior slavery”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“There exist many forms of slavery, both exterior and interior”. Pope Francis explained this in his General Audience catechesis today – delivered in front of 12,000 people – in which he returned again to the third commandment, on the day of rest. “The Decalogue, promulgated in the Book of Exodus, is repeated in the Book of Deuteronomy in an almost identical way, with the exception of this Third Word, where there appears a precious difference”, Pope Francis observed: “While in Exodus the reason for rest is the blessing of creation, in Deuteronomy instead it commemorates the end of slavery. In this day the slave must rest like the master, to celebrate the memory of the Pasch of liberation”. “Slaves by definition cannot rest”, the Pope stated: “But many types of slavery exist, both exterior and interior. There are external constrictions such as oppressions, lives sequestered by violence and by other types of injustice. Then there exist inner prisons, such as psychological obstacles, complexes, limits of character and so on”.

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