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EU Parliament: green lights to the reform of copyright and the procedure against Orban’s government

(Strasbourg) The European Parliament sais yes to two deeds that have kept the political debate alive across the EU in the last two weeks. Firstly, the approval of the draft directive on copyright in the digital single market, which had been defeated in June. The reform of copyright was approved with 438 votes for, 226 votes against, and 39 abstentions. Parliament approved some amendments to the most complex articles, no. 11 and no. 13. Now, legal negotiations will begin with the European Council. The European Parliament then passed (448 votes for, 197 against, 48 abstentions) the Sargentini Report about opening a sanction procedure against the Hungarian Government, led by Viktor Orban, for breach of democracy, rule of law and human rights. Once again, the file will now be taken over by the European Council.

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