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EU Parliament: Strasburg, expecting speech on the State of the Union. Europe in the future

Strasburgo: una veduta dell'emiciclo dell'Europarlamento

(Strasburg) Plenary assembly of the European Parliament in Strasburg from today to Thursday, 13 September: the plenary is mainly dedicated to the speech on the State of the Union, which the President of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker will deliver on 12 September. “Eight months from European elections in May 2019, MEPs will take stock of the results achieved by the Commission until now”, says a note from the European Parliament. “Juncker should illustrate the impact of the Commission’s work in the ten main sectors” pinpointed by the Commission itself, “and should also reveal the goals of Commission with a view to the European elections”. “This year’s speech will be made just before European elections – says the Commission – and in the context of debate on the future of the Union of 27”. In his last year’s speech, Juncker “illustrated his vision of the possible evolution of the European Union until 2025, and presented a roadmap for a more united, more democratic and stronger Europe. The speech was supported with concrete initiatives regarding trade, investment control, cybersecurity, industry and data”. With that basis, the national leaders meeting in Tallinn agreed upon the so-called “Leader’s Agenda”, a list of the most pressing questions and challenges to be faced. “At the summit of national leaders in Sibiu, Romania, on 9 May 2019, such process should end up with renewed commitment to EU really doing what citizens really wish”.

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